
Develop a python app to open files
Develop a python app to open filesdevelop a python app to open files

I can try to give some getting stated tips. I keep reading "Python is easy to learn" but Im finding it the most complicated program that I have ever experienced in my 25+ years of dealing with computers, together with the fact that Im an experienced PHP developer where if I sat a test in CodeIgniter I believe I would gain a 60%-80% marking. I must say that Im reaching the end of my patience with Python. Is there some other place where I should store the. Py file into C:/Programs/Python38-32/TextEditor.pyĪll of that has made no difference if I paste python /C:/Programs/Python38-32/TextEditor.py & hit enter. Yes, it was installed in the Users folders (which had a long path) but Ive uninstalled & reinstalled it into C:/Programs/Python38-32. You asked "If you installed it, is it on the path?" - I dont understand what you are asking.

#Develop a python app to open files install#

So if you enter just 'python' to command interpreter then it should install it from Microsoft Store and do all necessary setup automagically. Did you install? If you installed it, is it on the path? I think that easiest way is to follow recommendation from error messsage: 'run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store'. You stated that: 'Downloaded Python 3.8.1.' but there is nothing about installing it. But description of your steps leave some ambiguity what you have done. Haven't used Windows for years now and my memory is somewhat rusty in that regard. (Jun-18-2021, 09:55 AM)perfringo Wrote: (Jun-17-2021, 04:36 PM)bensan Wrote: but this is the result I get "Python was not found run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases."

Develop a python app to open files